how to become a successful person?

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29, Männlich

  Oculus Welcome

Beiträge: 6

Re: how to become a successful person?

von salpr am 17.04.2021 18:14

to become a successful person, you need to have good thinking and nerves of steel. This is not given to all people from birth. But you can do this by getting to know other successful people in order to become one of them yourself. There is one interesting peculiar article "Brian Moloney: I stole to play." . He was able to make himself successful by playing in the casino. Which is quite difficult nowadays.



36, Männlich

  Oculus Welcome

Beiträge: 9

how to become a successful person?

von caritop11 am 16.04.2021 16:28

how to become a successful person?


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